Sponsorship and Product Reviews

Attached to Gardening is a growing blog.  With a lot of viewers everyday sponsoring or having a product reviewed by Attached to Gardening is a great way to advertise your blog, online shop, business or product. 

Basic Sponsorship.
When sponsoring, you will get an image either shrunk down to being 300 pixels wide.  
*Ads will be run for a two month period of time
*There will be a discount of 10% if booked for 6 months.
*ad rates are non-refundable
*Ads must be paid in advance.  An invoice will be sent via Paypal.
*Email me at maxuswong@yahoo.com for rates.  In the subject box put Attached to Gardening

Hosting a Giveaway
*Giveaways can be hosted.  I ask that you send me an email 2 weeks before hand at maxuswong@yahoo.com
* While hosting a giveaway, feel free to send me any one of your products.  If you do there is a complementary month of your ad being run.
*Once a winner is selected, the mailing address will be sent to you, the giveaway host.
*It is the responsibility of the sponsor to see that the winner of the giveaway receives their prize in a timely manner, and at the expense of the sponsor.

Product Review
If you have a business of some sort and would like a product review, I am happy to do so.  I am happy to review products related to  backyard chickens, edible products for the chickens, coop cleaners, garden clothing and footwear, gardening supplies, seeds, seed growing kits,  and books relating to anything on this website. (which includes chickens and of course gardening)  If I didn't talk about something that you would like me to review just send me and email at maxuswong@yahoo.com with the subject product review.  If you are interested, please
*Contact me at maxuswong@yahoo.com to request a product review.
*In order to have a review, I must have the product to be sent to me.
*If the review is not favorable, the product will not be returned.

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