Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Home and Garden Show

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been posting as often as I should have. I forgot my camera at the home and garden show so I couldn't take any pictures unfortunately. So anyways, at the home and garden show, there were a lot of things, but mostly there were only home booths and like two or three garden booths. We bought a few things for our garden and for home. We bought these beautiful mugs with pictures of chickens on the sides. Even the box is beautiful!  I am definitely going to use these every day forever.  The chicken mugs were the best thing I got a the show.

 We saw some lawn decorations as well. We bought two for a cheap price of three dollars each, bringing our total to six dollars; which happened to be the only amount of money I paid at the show. We bought two bird lawn decorations, a duck and an owl. When the wind blows, the duck flaps it's wings and the owl bobs its head, its wings, legs and almost every part of its body.
We also got some free two free flower plants, thanks to my curiosity. We got them from a local nursery who had a stand and who helped me give me some gardening tips. The two flowers we got were white sorbet and a violet sorbet; which are both gorgeous plants. I am planning to plant them, near our other flowers so it could add a little pizazz to my flower area. Hopefully, the plants will survive in the funky weather we've been having lately.

So in all, the home and garden show was a blast! We had so much fun and went home happy!

Thanks For Reading!!

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